


AgroCity uses an interdisciplinary working approach.

Its main goal is to produce and share knowledge for sustainable development in cooperation with partners in the global North and South.

AgroCity conducts research to develop and implement innovative concepts and solutions for the sustainable use of resources.

The central aim is to foster dialectic dialogue between science and praxis.

An AgroCity offers trainings in environmental and community developmental studies with emphasis on practical solutions in sustainability as whole.

It also offers a range of services for regional and local partners.

The interplay of Theory and Praxis means that every offer / activity has an intensive connection to praxis – every student is also jointly responsible for her / his own food, e.g. by planting vegetables or keeping chicken.

AgroCity offers a large palette of TEACHING / LEARNING possibilities: Short time instructions, seminars of several days, vocational school and an MSc in Community Development and Environment on university level. 

Master-Students gain large theoretical inputs concerning Community Development and Environment. From the very beginning, these inputs are combined with praxis, which is reflected in seminars (e.g. active planting of trees, organic and urban gardening, constructing of solar heating modules, water collection, seminars with populations; seminar concerning management according to ISO 9001 / 14001 and practical implementation in a company). 

AgroCities concentrate on praxis-orientated – fieldwork – research, basing on own and international projects. Results of AgroCities are closely monitored and discussed internationally.

An outstanding research is the Trace Research concerning implementation and development of an AgroCity.

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