
Frische Innovationen – von der Natur inspiriert.

Al Imfeld, a well known Africa specialist, published the marvellous book "AgroCity - Die Stadt für Afrika - Skizzen einer neuen Urbanität" (= The City for Africa - Outlines of a new Urbanity) shortly before his death in February 2017.

The book analyses different exploding (mega-) cities in several Sub-Saharan countries. Cities mainly have an administrative and commercial centre, which is surrounded of – often many – slums. Their inhabitants have left their farmland, hoping for a better life in city. 

For handling this situation, new forms of cities are proposed – guaranteeing a better life for their inhabitants, characterised by 

  • Mix of farming and city advantages as employment opportunities
  • Land ownership as cooperative member
  • Schools, neighbourhood, health care, market, theatre, sports and public traffic 
  • Cooperatives, surmounting traditional ways of separation as tribes and religions
  • No fossil powered vehicles drives
  • Two third of food from horizontal and vertical farming in AgroCity and a belt of roughly 25 km around it self-sufficiently and supply contracts.
  • The rest by trading against crafts, services and natural resources
An AgroCity is also an alternative to migration to (mega-) cities and / or to Europe. 

German and French Versions will follow later.

Die deutsche und französische Version werden später veröffentlicht.

Les versions françaises et allemandes seront publiées plus tard.

A central aim of an AgroCity is to foster dialectic dialogue between science and praxis.

The fundamental orientation of AgroCity is the UN-Document 

“OUR WORLD: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” 

with its 17 Goals.

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